
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Reach Higher

Most people stop dreaming, stop growing and stop reaching at some point in their life.  It may be that they reached a certain point of success and grew comfortable with what became familiar to them.  Or, it may be that they tried something new and failed miserably.  So, they lost the will or confidence to try again.  There are some who have never even dared to think beyond their current reality.  It could be that they were discouraged or intimidated by family or friends early in life.  Tragically, they have accepted their life to be reduced to surviving and enduring.

Whatever group you associate with, you may be at a place where you have plateaued.  You are  managing the same routine.  Everything in your week is predictable.  No surprises. You look forward to when the day ends and you can go home to a hot dinner.  The most exciting event in your week is when the new tv series comes on Thursdays at 8 PM.  This is NOT all that life has to offer.

Real living begins with the chase.  Adventure is found on the journey.  Boundaries are discovered by testing the limits.

Are you living?

If you feel uncomfortable by this challenge, then I am glad.  :)

For me, I know that I need a gentle jolt and a tender tug from others every once in a while to help me break out of a rut and think riskier.  Most of the time, I don't self-initiate this kind of thinking for myself.-and I definitely don't naturally want to push myself to "attack" life in this manner.  Self discipline can be hard for me, especially in the weak areas of my life.

I need a coach.

When I was in school, I had all kinds of coaches.  School teachers, athletic coaches, piano teachers, youth pastors, parents, guidance counselors.  I had role models that I looked up to.  I had older people who took an interest in me.  Some of these coaches I loved.  Some I did not like.  At the time, I thought that they pushed me too hard, or demanded too much.  All of them shaped my life.  From some, I learned character, commitment, and how to treat people.  From others, I learned that I had more in me than I thought.  From some, I learned WHAT NOT TO DO - these were invaluable lessons for me, as I would learn to avoid their mistakes and weaknesses.

In my current stage of life, I have assumed the role of coach and mentor for so many.  However, I am so keenly aware of the need for continual coaching in my own life.  The more I learn, the more I realize  I DO NOT know.  I see the need to find others who will coach me.  Those who will encourage me and also (and more importantly) correct me, challenge me, evaluate me, and hold me accountable to my mission and objectives.

One discipline that I have developed is self-coaching: reading and studying every day.  Taking classes and being in growth programs.  I have learned to journal, to reflect, to ask good questions.  I have learned to pray differently and to memorize scripture and good quotes.  I have learned to dedicate more time to preparing for every event, meeting, and speaking engagement I have scheduled.  However, there is nothing that replaces having a coach who will speak truth and will give you honest observations from their perspective.

If you are at a plateau, and you want to reach higher for your dreams, start with inviting a few trusted people to speak into your life.  Before you meet with them, develop a few honest questions to ask them about yourself.  Prepare yourself emotionally to be open and receptive.  Humble yourself...but also encourage yourself.  Believe me - you're going to need it!  Let me in encourage you - the process is worth it! Embrace it.  Thank the people for their investment.  Give yourself permission to process through all of these new thoughts and perspectives.  Be pliable and unguarded.  Admit that you have some things that are broken or unfinshed.  Know that God wants to do something fresh and beautiful in your life.

Your best days are not behind you! Your future is bright!

Reach Higher -


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